Best UX Design Books for Beginners
There are literally hundreds of UX design books out there. Some are great for beginners others are more suitable for established UX designers. It is so easy to get lost, especially if you are just starting out in UX. I was there. I spent hours browsing through dozens of best UX … Continue reading Best UX Design Books for Beginners

UX Designers Should Code
I frequently see questions about whether UX designers need to learn to code. I am a UX designer who codes, so let me address this matter, hopefully, once and for all. As a UX designer you don’t need to know how to code to do your job. However, with increasing … Continue reading UX Designers Should Code

What Do UX Designers Actually Do?
Everyone seems to be talking about UX Design these days. UX designer is a trending profession. It is in demand. But what do UX designers actually do? UX Designers work with multidisciplinary teams to understand business goals, user needs, and technical constraints, and design and deliver delightful products that meet … Continue reading What Do UX Designers Actually Do?

Can you learn UX design on your own?
It’s never been so easy to learn something new without leaving your home. UX design is not an exception! I am a self-taught UX designer myself. I learned all I know about UX design on my own, and I know for a fact that many (if not most) successful designers … Continue reading Can you learn UX design on your own?

Cofolios: Great Resource for UX Design Interns
If you are a UX designer looking for internship opportunities, Cofolios is a resource for you! Cofolios is really cool for a number of reason. Let’s look it closely. What is Cofolios? Cofolios is a brainchild of Hasque May, currently a Product Design intern at Instagram. It was created to meet a very … Continue reading Cofolios: Great Resource for UX Design Interns

5 Monochromatic Websites that do Color Right
Pure monochromatic designs are not very common. So it is not that easy to find good examples of monochromatic Websites, but here are some that I came across. Note how the mood of the design changes depending on the main color. Bold bright color is used to make a statement, … Continue reading 5 Monochromatic Websites that do Color Right

Best UX Portfolios
Portfolio can be instrumental in your career as a UX designer. Great UX portfolio by itself will not get you hired, but it will definitely open many doors and interview opportunities. When I was a junior designer I’ve spent countless hours looking at portfolios of great UX designers. I admired … Continue reading Best UX Portfolios

How long does it take to learn UX design?
If you are just looking to get started in UX design you are probably wondering how long will it take to learn enough to become a competitive designer and get an entry level job. It can take 6 to 12 months to become a UX Designer. The actual time it … Continue reading How long does it take to learn UX design?

Is UX Design a Good Career Choice for me?
UX Design is often presented as a good career choice. Demand is huge. Salaries are high. The barrier to entry is seemingly low. It is low stress, high-reward job with great work-life balance. But things are not that simple. While many of the promises are true, there are also some … Continue reading Is UX Design a Good Career Choice for me?

How to create monochromatic color schemes
I love monochromatic color schemes for their simplicity and elegance! Limiting number of color choices opens up doors to creative freedom. Exploring the world of monochromatic colors is also a great way to start learning color theory in a practical way. It is very easy to create and use a … Continue reading How to create monochromatic color schemes