Design principles are values, fundamental beliefs or philosophies that guides teams and designers in their decision making process. UX design principles is something every company and designer has. In larger companies, like Apple, Google and Microsoft design principles are often product specific.
Design principles are often shared publicly, and they offer great insight into values and processes of world-class companies and designers, so they are very well worth looking at!
- iOS Design Themes by Apple
- Some Design Principles by IDEO
- Design Principles by Ebay
- Head Meets Heart and IBM Design language Philosophy by IBM
- Material Design and People + AI Guidebook by Google
- Building a Visual Language by Airbnb
- A Design System Isn’t One Size Fits All by Spotify
- Design Principles by Facebook
- Fluent by Microsoft
- Design Principles and Methods by US Government
- Design Principles by UK Government
- 10 Principles for Good Design by Dieter Rams
- A Collection of Principles for UX Designers and UX Design by Whitney Hess
- Laws of Simplicity by John Maeda
- First Principles of Interaction Design by Bruce Tonazzini (formerly at Apple)
- 10 Usability Heuristics for User Interface Design by Jakob Nielsen
This is by no means a comprehensive list. Do you have any design principles resources that you particularly like? Let me know in the comments!