Case-study examples

How is your customer journey mapping going? Was it a fun exercise?

I have to apologize for using Spotify as an example. Actually, there is a Made for You feature and it does have decent recommendations. But I think it worked OK as an example. What do you think?

I thought I will give you some more time to figure out the problem definition and work on the journey maps. So take this email as somewhat of a sidebar in a book, the one that breaks from the main narrative, but does provide some relevant information. There might be several of these along the way. This one is an example of case studies.

I’ve been looking at case studies for a while now, and it is very difficult to pick and choose the best. You see, there is no real formula for a perfect case study. What works in one doesn’t necessarily work in others.

I like to think of a portfolio as a collection of short stories. If all stories are the same (or too similar) it makes a very boring book. So it is important to approach each case study creatively. As you will see in the examples below even though the general structure of each story is more or less the same presentation is different.

These examples come from portfolios of prominent designers, so don’t be intimidated by the quality of work and presentation. This is a level that many designers aspire to achieve, and so use these case studies as a source of inspiration and as something you can look up to. Pay special attention to details of each case study:

  • general structure
  • narrative and the flow
  • deliverables presented
  • things that are included
  • things that were not included

Take note of what you think works, and what could be improved (I know, this might be a tough one, so at least note what didn’t quite make sense to you). Don’t hesitate to reach out with questions. And let me know which ones are your favourites!

Here you go:

Note that some case studies are more UI than UX. Pay attention to the kind of details included there. Also note that these are not unsolicited redesigns. These were done by in house designers for the company they’ve been working for. Not something you can pull off without that kind of context.

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